Anti hog war base th9

In Clash of clans war, saving a single star also helps in winning wars. With increasing power of defense in TH9, most attacker love to use Hogs to attack th9 war bases in clash of clans Wars. Hogs with Heal spell are good to clean out war bases for 3 stars. In order to save your warbase  from hogs attack, accurate warbase design with proper position of traps helps a lot. Because of increasing no of  hogs attack, people are moving towards anti hog war bases. In this article we will go through some Anti hog war base th9 design which you can use in your war bases.

Anti hog war base th9 design strategy

While designing you Anti hog war base th9 design, you need to take care of below things.

  • Since hogs attacks your CC troops in last, so your CC troops should be saved  as long as possible. Always put your Clan castle in the middle of your war base designs. Your CC troops should not be lured out by using 2-3 troops.

  • Your war base hero (King and queen) do a great damage to hogs as hogs attack them in last. So try to save them from other troops attack.

  • Keep your King and Queen in opposite direction, so at least one hero is saved to kill hogs.

  • Most important Anti hog war base th9 design strategy is the location of giant bombs in your war bases.

  • Always use double giant  bomb between two defense, once hogs come over it no spell can save them :). They will kill all hogs in one go. Keep in mind that both double bomb should trigger at same time.

  • Properly place your jump traps between various defenses. It jump out a lot of hogs before they do any major damage.

  • Always keep your bomb and traps inside war base. They might get wasted if they are outside

  • Put skeleton traps in ground mode, it help in killing attacker's hogs.

Some anti hog war base th9 design

Now, below list contains some of the popular anti hog war base th9 which you can use.

COC anti hog war base th9 #1

[caption id="attachment_223" align="alignnone" width="259"]Anti hog war base th9 1 Anti hog war base th9 1[/caption]

COC anti hog war base th9 #2

[caption id="attachment_222" align="alignnone" width="300"]Anti hogs war base th9 2 Anti hogs war base th9 2[/caption]

COC anti hog war base th9 #3

[caption id="attachment_221" align="alignnone" width="249"]Anti hogs war base th9 3 Anti hogs war base th9 3[/caption]

COC anti hog war base th9 #4

[caption id="attachment_220" align="alignnone" width="300"]Anti hogs war base th9 4 Anti hogs war base th9 4[/caption]

COC anti hog war base th9 #5

[caption id="attachment_219" align="alignnone" width="300"]Anti hogs war base th9 5 Anti hogs war base th9 5[/caption]

COC anti hog war base th9 #6

[caption id="attachment_218" align="alignnone" width="273"]Anti hogs war base th9 6 Anti hogs war base th9 6[/caption]

COC anti hog war base th9 #7

[caption id="attachment_217" align="alignnone" width="275"]Anti hogs war base th9 7 Anti hogs war base th9 7[/caption]

I hope you like this small article on anti hog war base th9. Please feel free to provide your feedback. You can  also add your  war base design in comment section.

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