Top 10 COC anti dragon war base th8

COC anti dragon war base th8. During Clash of clans war, every single star plays an important role. Normally we have around 30-40% of TH8 in every COC war.Useually attacker use Dragon/hogs attack to cleanup TH8 war bases for 3 stars. In this article, we go through some top COC anti dragon war base th8. Although it is very tough to create strong and best performing clan war base layouts that do not give away any stars, it is much easier and practical to create (tactfully) base designs that will trick attackers in making mistakes or attacking from the wrong direction and ending up wasting their attack by way of getting one or two stars only. Many a times these base designs will perform well from higher level attackers as well.

Anti Dragon War-base Designing Tips

You can also make your own th8 war base design by following below tips.

  • Since dragons are slow moving troops, keep your all of your huts at the end of corner of your war base. Even if all of your defense are destroyed you can  save 1 star by eating up attacker time :). I have seen many attacks where dragon destroyed 99% of war base and still missed 1 star because of 1-2 hut in the last.

  • Your Air defense (aka AD) should be in protective layer as much as possible. Keep them as inside as possible.

  • Also all of 3 Air defenses should be not very close, else it can be destroyed by Rage and heal spell combination.

  • Newly added Air sweeper should be saving your ADs and it should remain active as long as possible

  • Protect your Archer tower,wiz tower and Air defense by putting High level storage which will absorb immense damages before dragon attack your defenses.

  • Try to put more archer tower toward that side where only 1 AD is present. It will help in balancing out your design.

  • Use spring Trap near Air defense, so that your ADs can be saved from hogs.

  • Your Skeleton Trap should also be in Air mode, so that they can distract Dragon for some time. They can help in killing balloons as well.

Some COC anti dragon war base th8

Lets see some sample Anti dragon th8 war bases.

COC anti dragon war base th8 1

[caption id="attachment_133" align="alignnone" width="618"]COC anti dragon war base th8 base_1 COC anti dragon war base th8 1[/caption]

  • This is nicely designed widely spread war base. Since AD from Side-1 is being protected by Air sweeper and Also CC is in opposite side.

  • Attacker has to attack from Side 2. He has to spread dragons from side -2 .

  • Dragon near side will be mostly busy in destroying storage and hence will be easily killed by right side Air defense.

  • Where as other AD will be protected by Clan Castle  and Town hall also.

  • Once dragon reached near town hall, most likely they will be killed by AD near Air sweeper and other two Archer Tower as well.

COC anti dragon war base th8 2

[caption id="attachment_134" align="alignnone" width="623"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_2 Coc anti dragon th8 war base_2[/caption]

  • Just notice nicely placed huts in the 4 corner.

  • All 3 Air defenses are well protected by Air Sweeper.

  • Clan Castle are also in the center, so it will be lastly activated and there might be no spell to use that time.

  • Best possible side to start attack is side -A or side -B

COC anti dragon war base th8 3

[caption id="attachment_135" align="alignnone" width="618"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_3 Coc anti dragon th8 war base 3[/caption]

  • Just notice nicely placed huts in the 4 corner.

  • All 3 Air defenses are well protected by Air Sweeper.

  • Clan Castle are also in the center, so it will be lastly activated and there might be no spell to use that time.

  • Since it is evenly based war base, dragon might be go round  the townhall.

COC anti dragon war base th8 4

[caption id="attachment_136" align="alignnone" width="621"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_4 Coc anti dragon th8 war base 4[/caption]

  • All 3 Air defenses are far apart, hence heal and rage combination cannot be used here.

  • 1 Air defense need to be  killed by Lightning

  • Since all ADs are far from Clan Castle, so it  either Air defense or CC will be activated later.

  • Storage will also eat lot of time.

COC anti dragon war base th8 5

[caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="621"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_5 Coc anti dragon th8 war base_5[/caption]

  • All 3 Air defenses are far apart, hence heal and rage combination cannot be used here.

  • based on CC and Air sweeper location, Attack has to be started from Side A and Side B.

  • Once Dragons reaches near town hall, Tesla and Archer tower will be having a lot of impact dragons.

  • But most probably dragon attack will be failed by Archer tower and wizard tower on side C.

COC anti dragon war base th8 6

[caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="623"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_6 Coc anti dragon th8 war base 6[/caption]

  • All 3 Air defenses are near to each other, so it will be right candidate for heal and rage spell combination on dragon.

  • Based on CC location, attack need to be started from side A or side B.

  • Since all Archer tower are close to each other, they will be eating a lot of dragons.

COC anti dragon war base th8 7

[caption id="attachment_139" align="alignnone" width="618"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_7 Coc anti dragon th8 war base 7[/caption]

  • This is evenly designed base.

  • If attacker start attack from side C or D, Air sweeper will create problem.

  • If attack is started from side A and Side B, third AD will be too Far.

  • It is closely packed  design, hence defense will have major impact.

COC anti dragon war base th8 8

[caption id="attachment_140" align="alignnone" width="616"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_8 Coc anti dragon th8 war base_8[/caption]

  • If you don't have updated defense, you can try such design.

  • Since your defense will have low damage,so there might be some dragon left in the end.

  • Because of wide spread, dragon will take more time to travel, attack will fail because of time.

 COC anti dragon war base th8 9

[caption id="attachment_141" align="alignnone" width="623"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_9 Coc anti dragon th8 war base_9[/caption]

  • All 3 Air defenses are far apart, hence heal and rage spell combination cannot be used here.

  • 1 Air defense need to be  killed by Lightning spell.

  • Since Air Sweeper are too far from Remaining Air Defenses, so it will impact  dragon speed.

  • Storage will also eat lot of time.

COC anti dragon war base th10

[caption id="attachment_142" align="alignnone" width="625"]Coc anti dragon th8 war base_10 Coc anti dragon th8 war base_10[/caption]

  • All 3 Air defenses are far apart, hence heal and rage combination cannot be used here.

  • 1 Air defense need to be  killed by Lightning

  • Since all ADs are far from Clan Castle, so it  either Air defense or CC will be activated later.

  • Storage will also eat lot of time.

I hope you enjoyed this article on Top 10 COC anti dragon war base th8. If you have any comment or suggestion, please add in comment section.

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